Code[ish] • Tuesday, October 13th 2020
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Dr. Mireille Reece is a practicing clinical psychologist and, along with Adam Stacoviak, editor-in-chief of the Changelog, they run Brain Science, a podcast exploring behavior change and mental health. Chris Castle, a Developer Advocate at Heroku, continues a previous conversation with them on how to take care of one's mental wellbeing. Their discussion centers around the neuroplasticity of the brain, how new habits can be created and formed.
One of the best antidepressants is exercise. Adam advises that it's not necessarily about physical fitness, but rather that your brain really needs that motion. It can serve to provide one with a different perspective. As well, activating any...
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mental health
health apps
Code[ish] • Tuesday, October 6th 2020
![Code[ish] logo](http://heroku-www-files.s3.amazonaws.com/podcasts/uploads/610d8a9b-b983-4670-ad93-88fdf7a929f8/codeish-cover-art.png)
Dr. Mireille Reece is a practicing clinical psychologist and, along with Adam Stacoviak, editor-in-chief of the Changelog, they run Brain Science, a podcast exploring behavior change and mental health. Chris Castle, a Developer Advocate at Heroku, is interviewing them to find out more about the stigma associated with mental health. There's an acknowledgement that while everyone at one point or another struggles with their mental health--be it through anxiety, depression, isolation, or stress--we, as a society, tend to be hesitant to discuss our struggles publicly. Dr. Reece posits that people view this as a weakness, one they're not willing to admit. There's a fear that if you...
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Code[ish] • Tuesday, September 29th 2020
![Code[ish] logo](http://heroku-www-files.s3.amazonaws.com/podcasts/uploads/610d8a9b-b983-4670-ad93-88fdf7a929f8/codeish-cover-art.png)
Greg Nokes, Master Technical Architect at Heroku, is joined by Alex Broussard, the CTO of THINKMD. THINKMD is a technology company that's working to build next-generation clinical logic. The primary aim is to put healthcare tools in the hands of anyone, anywhere, but especially in places where healthcare access is limited. As Alex points out, the obvious challenge in such a platform is to optimize the application to work in low bandwidth settings. To work around this limitation, THINKMD designed their platform as a progressive web application, ensuring that, not matter what, it function as an "offline first" app. Data is collected and stored locally, and transmissions...
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Heroku in the Wild
progressive web applications
data connectivity
review apps
Code[ish] • Thursday, September 24th 2020
![Code[ish] logo](http://heroku-www-files.s3.amazonaws.com/podcasts/uploads/610d8a9b-b983-4670-ad93-88fdf7a929f8/codeish-cover-art.png)
Greg Nokes is a Master Technical Architect at Heroku, and he's interviewing a returning guest, Ryan Townsend, the CTO of SHIFT Commerce. SHIFT Commerce is an e-commerce PaaS that provides an online space for businesses to host their websites and sell their goods. Their customers aren't exclusively virtual; some of them have brick-and-mortar shops which have had to shut down due to COIVD. As the volume of online ordering increased, some of these businesses noticed that their distribution centers couldn't keep up with the orders. This was due both to pent up demand as well as social distancing guidelines slowing the pace of operations.
Working with these retailers, SHIFT...
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Heroku in the Wild
online shopping
Code[ish] • Tuesday, September 22nd 2020
![Code[ish] logo](http://heroku-www-files.s3.amazonaws.com/podcasts/uploads/610d8a9b-b983-4670-ad93-88fdf7a929f8/codeish-cover-art.png)
Greg Nokes, Master Technical Architect at Heroku, is joined by Meg McLaughlin, THINKMD's Director of Research and Implementation. THINKMD is a technology company that's working to build next-generation clinical logic. The primary aim is to put healthcare tools in the hands of anyone, anywhere, but especially in places where healthcare access is limited. The platform starts by guiding a user to provide some initial data about who they are. It then goes on to take the medical history of the person being assessed. By comparing a person's history, symptoms, and habits against the result of broader community data, THINKMD analyzes and visualizes that data to present information...
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syndromic surveillance
community work
artificial intelligence